Monday, December 1, 2014

The Critics about SNG Enhances Family Communication

If you are a subscriber of my blog, you know I am the one who are searching about the SNS. I am searching about the effect of social networking service. While I go on Twitter, there is something interesting, I read it. I think I had searched about bad effect of SNS, so this time, I would like to talk about good effect of SNS. The article link is below:

I read this article that is about SNG (Social Network Games) can enhance the family communication. I found this article from Twitter. Before I start I am the opposite of this article. So, I was glad there is something to discuss!

The first thing that I want to discuss is;
“These interactions prove social networks are tools that break down communication and age barriers,” said researcher Kelly Boudreau, Ph.D.
In this part, I felt it is too ideal. I mean, it is possible in your head. It can be possible, and this interaction can give some opportunities to have communication, if they have same interest.

Additionally, the author said;
They found that these online games offer families a common topic of conversation and enhance the quality of time spent together, despite the fact that most SNGs don’t necessarily involve any direct communication.
In this part, I have a question, they found the online game offer common topic of conversation, is it right? I didn't mean, talking about game is bad. However, if you want to share same common topic, there are many thing to share, not SNG! You can have time to exercise with family, and talk about that exercise.

The next thing is;
“These multi-generational interactions prove social networks are tools that break down both communication and age barriers,” said Boudreau.
The researcher said it is multi-generational interaction, but my opinion is different. Actually, many grandparent feel difficulty using smartphone. So, I think it is cases of a small minority. And if you want to make the time to communicate, you need to focus on the elders, not only focusing on younger. When we talk about break the age barrier, we always talk the elder needs to use smartphone, or know new words that is said by teenagers. However, we need to focus on their background.

The last thing is;
The games can also bring together family members who may be only distantly connected, with respondents citing experiences such as connecting with long-lost cousins or bolstering relationships with aging aunts.
 I can accept it. In Korea, there was very popular game that was 'AniPang'. This game was really popular, so there are many people who enjoyed that. Also, there is sometime we need to get 'little heart' to go on the game. So, many people send and get the heart from long-lost friends or cousins. This situation is exactly same.

I think this article and the study that is SNG enhance the family communication have something nonsense. There are many things to critic. I usually disagree with SNG is going to enhance communication, but I agree SNG can improve relationship a little bit.

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