Monday, November 24, 2014

Critic about How the Social Network effect our society

I would like to know how the social network effect to our live. Then, I found this writing that is about The effects of SNS upon society. The link is below:

I read some articles about the effects of SNS, but this writing is talking about many ways, I mean many point of view. I think this writing is personal article, but I l like it.The author wrote positive and negative things, but it is not about good and bad things. It is about 'The EFFECT'. Now I would like to talk about some my thoughts and critics about this article.

The first, the author quoted this line from today USA:
 “With the rise of websites such as Facebook, social networking may be on the verge of replacing traditional personal interactions for the next generation”
When the time is changed, many things are changed a lot. In this case, I need to talk about the internet and SNS. When the internet is invented, then SNS spread all over the world. So, the way to communicate has been changed. Long time ago, we just wrote the letter using pencil and paper, now we used e-mail or just send messages using their SNS or smartphone. Lately, these things are common. I can see this consequence negatively, but I want to see it positively. I know SNS has many harmful things, but I only accept this good thing. It is faster, more accurate, and less wasting.

The second thing is:
This allows one’s social circle to expand.
The social networking is good for making circle and group. I am a Korean, so I want to show one example from Korea. In Korea, there is one application that name is "BAND". It is made by Korea portal site 'Naver'.  In this application, I can make a group in privately or public. And in my department made this group, so there are some important information or department pictures. Anyone can edit it. It can be a good place to make social relationship. Also, we can expand anything that we want.

The third thing is:
Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that is only done through the web and other technologies. However, on the networks no one is there to witness the attack. This makes it harder for a victim to ask for help.
I already said about the cyber bullying, but the reason I mention it one more time is the author saw it another point of view. Previously, I read many writing about the cyber bullying, those said there are many cuber bullying using SNS. However, this author said about the realistic. Yes, we know about the fact that is cyber bullying exist, but we don't know why this problem is hard to fix it. The author said there is no witness and victim. It means it is hard to find. To fix it, the law is necessary. If there is, it has to be strengthened.

The fourth thing is:
Many people are becoming more isolated due to the lack of personal interaction.
I know what the situation is. More than two people are sitting on the chair, and there is no talk at all. Everybody knows this situation. It is common lately. However, I am the opposite, because I think the SNS makes the world talk more. The communication that is face to face and direct communication decrease, but the communication that is using SNS increase. We can express more than just word. There are many ways to express than just direct. Also, before, we can communicate with people who I know. On the other hand, we can communicate with people who live the opposite of the globe. There are some people who feel isolation, but I think the SNS and internet makes us talk more.

The last thing is:
When we contact one another through these sites we are limiting ourselves. When you use networks like Facebook, “you’re representing yourself on a database. Then you live according to that database. You fill in checkmarks saying this is what I’m interested in, this is who I am, this is the music I want to hear, and you become a caricature of yourself"
When I read this part, I cannot understand why we are limiting, because we can connect with more wide world. However, after this line, I could understand. Yes, I think the SNS and internet can make us think creatively, because we influence a lot from the online world, but these things can limit us. There are limited checklist on the internet. Inversely, it can make us lose our personal.

I have thought about the effect of SNS. There are some things that I want to discuss, it was good topic. And this author wrote many thing as other point of view. Also, when I think and read like these kinds of article again and again, I feel like the good thing can be the bad thing, and the bad thing can be the good thing. After I read some articles, it depends of us. How we use it, and how we handle this things, it depends on us.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Critic about Impact of Social Networking on Business

I am going to summarize and share my critics about Social Networking Business. This article is about impact of Social Networking on business, and the link is:

When you sign in your account of SNS, you can see many advertisement in one page. Many companies have started to use SNS to promote their products, so I am going to criticize about the article.

In this article divided two point of view which is plus and flip side. It mean positive and negative things about SNS business. First of all, I will start with positive things.
1. become more focused on their customers than ever before.
Ebusiness can focus on their customer, yes. In the SNS, many people provide their information when they didn't realize. Our profile and uploaded information is good feed for company. They analysis our data, and provide their advertisement. So, they can focus on their customer that ever before.
2. People are seeing businesses responding to the opinions people post online and that makes customers feel like they're having more influence on businesses' behavior.
Yes. Using SNS marketing is really fast to check company feedback, also the company can see what the problem is. When we write down bad thing about product, the company find out that uploaded writing. Then, they sent direct message or show the feedback. Of course, it can make me feel like I can influence their business. For example, one of my friend uploaded like there was a worm in their product on her Facebook. And you know what? That company sent the direct message to her, and saying apologizes and sent many snacks for her. SNS is good for both company and customer.

In this article, the author compare and contrast between past and present, that was good to think deeply. We can see how they have changed.
3. reducing eBusinesses' communication expenses
Of course, they can reduce their money! If I have to connect the customer using phone or visiting their house, it will cost a lot. Also, in the past, the company made a lot of material to promote, but now, they just make the image or video to promote it. How easy! So, they can reduce their communication expenses.
4. The savings are often greater for conversations with suppliers and customers
Also, they can save their money, then they use that saving like this. It is for supplier and customer. So, the companies can make the differences efficiently.

Now, I am going to talk about negative side.
1. Employees who don't manage their usage of social networks during work hours can see signs of it in poor performance reviews. 
Take a look at #1, the employees can spent their time useless. I am sure you agree with this. In the company, they have many things to do, but they spent many time to do their SNS page like uploading pictures and videos or looking others web page. These situation will spoil everything that related to company task. Also, if I were a employer, I will be upset what they are doing, isn't it?
2.When people do click on the banner ads, the visitors don't stay on the advertising eBusinesses' sites long enough to buy anything.
I know what the situation is. There are many advertisement in SNS page, but we don't click it, right? People know that is useless commercial for them. They know they don't need it. If they so, they can click and visit the promoted site. However, we don't spent many time in it. Lately, the internet customers are chic. They leave if the information is not good for them.
3. A lot of companies are still in an interim stage, in which social networking still supplements older business practices. Having both in place only makes social networking more expensive, rather than a cost saver.
It means many companies try to manage their promote site, and offline advertisement. It can cause "wasting of money and time". They think that is saving money and time, actually the answer is NO! They spent their money to make perfect commercial both online and offline. I can know the actual effect of online commercial is not that good in #2. They cannot make the customers stay long their web page. It can cause loss of budget. Then, they spent two time, it is definitely wasting time and money.

Through my critic, I can see many side of SNS marketing. Before I read it, I think SNS is good for the companies, but after I read it, that wasn't true. There are many risks on here. Also, the companies feel difficulty about making online marketing. However, it doesn't cost a lot than offline marketing, they can take the risks.

Monday, November 3, 2014

My critics about SNS

I am going to summarize and share my critical thoughts about the SNS. This article is about the positive and negative things. The link is:

Everyone knows about the SNS, which is called 'Social Networking Service'. When we talk about the SNS, we always say about those two aspects. Before I start, I found surprising survey about SNS in this article.

The survey found that 37% of those questioned had been left sleep-deprived as a result of social networking and 75% didn't like the idea of phones being kept close by while they slept. 

I am sure you are surprised about the result of this survey. Can't you believe that this internet world harm in your life?

First of all, I would like to share my thoughts on negative things. In this article shows some negative things:
1. not setting your privacy settings properly or liking someone's photo can have bad results.
It means we can access (almost) everything like photo that is not my friend or family. It can cause privacy problems. When you lock your page, it is not safe anymore. Anyone can access someone's page. In the bad way, think your children can access and see some porn picture in SNS. Isn't it bad?
2. Cyberbullying can be a problem as people can take advantage of the fact that there is no one who can effectively stop the bullying when it happens, due to everything being performed behind a screen. 
Actually, the word 'cyberbullying' is a neologism. Lately, it is a really big problem in Korea. When someone wrote something on their Twitter of Facebook page, the cyber hooligans try to find their name, selfie, even their address. It is related to privacy. There is no responsibility on the internet world. If there is a deep conversation, I mean discussion on the SNS, that is good. However, if there is only insulting, that is just "cyberbullying"!
3. It can also be a waste of time as people can visit a site to check on thing and end up spending the whole day 'behind the screen' and as a result, not doing anything useful with their lives.
I try to be fair, but I couldn't agree more. In my case, it was the midterm period, but you can guess, right? I just scrolled down for three hours! That's silly, and I messed up my midterm. I was regret, but it was too late.

Next, I am going to share about some positive things that the articles shows:
1. You can express yourself
I agree with this. Yes. SNS is good place to express yourself. In other hand, you need to know it can cause privacy problem. For example, after you make account on Facebook, they say 'Fill the profile blanks out!'. The profile questions are like 'Where do you live?', 'What is your school name?', 'Are you married or not?' and 'What is your company name?'. Don't you think these questions are too personal? It can cause  privacy problem.
2. easier to keep in touch with family and friends,especially if they live far away
I know there are many people who keep in touch using SNS like Facebook. I think there are many ways to keep in touch like e-mail, but I changed my mind. In the Facebook, we can upload our picture or video. It means SNS store what I upload. So, if one of my family stay far away, and I really miss him or her, I will access their page, and watch whatever they upload. I know we can use e-mail system, but in this point, SNS is more easier than e-mail. 

Overall, I criticize about negative and positive things about SNS. I felt there are more negative things in here, but I agree with some positive things. I just want to say if we use SNS properly, we need to balance between negative things and positive things. Also, the SNS page system has to make some policy. We need to have awareness about it, then we can control.