Monday, December 1, 2014

The Critics about SNG Enhances Family Communication

If you are a subscriber of my blog, you know I am the one who are searching about the SNS. I am searching about the effect of social networking service. While I go on Twitter, there is something interesting, I read it. I think I had searched about bad effect of SNS, so this time, I would like to talk about good effect of SNS. The article link is below:

I read this article that is about SNG (Social Network Games) can enhance the family communication. I found this article from Twitter. Before I start I am the opposite of this article. So, I was glad there is something to discuss!

The first thing that I want to discuss is;
“These interactions prove social networks are tools that break down communication and age barriers,” said researcher Kelly Boudreau, Ph.D.
In this part, I felt it is too ideal. I mean, it is possible in your head. It can be possible, and this interaction can give some opportunities to have communication, if they have same interest.

Additionally, the author said;
They found that these online games offer families a common topic of conversation and enhance the quality of time spent together, despite the fact that most SNGs don’t necessarily involve any direct communication.
In this part, I have a question, they found the online game offer common topic of conversation, is it right? I didn't mean, talking about game is bad. However, if you want to share same common topic, there are many thing to share, not SNG! You can have time to exercise with family, and talk about that exercise.

The next thing is;
“These multi-generational interactions prove social networks are tools that break down both communication and age barriers,” said Boudreau.
The researcher said it is multi-generational interaction, but my opinion is different. Actually, many grandparent feel difficulty using smartphone. So, I think it is cases of a small minority. And if you want to make the time to communicate, you need to focus on the elders, not only focusing on younger. When we talk about break the age barrier, we always talk the elder needs to use smartphone, or know new words that is said by teenagers. However, we need to focus on their background.

The last thing is;
The games can also bring together family members who may be only distantly connected, with respondents citing experiences such as connecting with long-lost cousins or bolstering relationships with aging aunts.
 I can accept it. In Korea, there was very popular game that was 'AniPang'. This game was really popular, so there are many people who enjoyed that. Also, there is sometime we need to get 'little heart' to go on the game. So, many people send and get the heart from long-lost friends or cousins. This situation is exactly same.

I think this article and the study that is SNG enhance the family communication have something nonsense. There are many things to critic. I usually disagree with SNG is going to enhance communication, but I agree SNG can improve relationship a little bit.

My critic and thoughts about the relationship between emotion and SNS

I have searched the articles about the effect of the SNS, I found this article. The link is below:
It is about the study that is how the SNS can affect our emotion. Resultingly, the SNS that we upload can affect our mood and emotion. It is like domino effect like said the author.
Researchers in the US analysed over a billion updates from a million or so Facebook users and found that negative posts had a domino effect, causing similarly downbeat posts from others.
The author wrote about this interesting study. When you upload something on your web site like facebook or twitter, it can cause some domino effect to reader who read your web site. If it is good or bad thing, it is going to affect others.

Suddenly, there is one idea in my head. It is the book, and its name is 'Secret'. I think there is connection between these two things. The book says when you think the good images, the you can feel good feeling, even the good situation and good event will come. 

Also, the author wrote this;
Emotions are well known to spread among people, but most work on the effect has looked at those in direct contact with each other. The latest study confirms that the same happens when people are in contact online.
In this line, I felt we need to care what we are uploading, because if I upload about the melancholy feeling, someone who watch my site might feel bad, or getting worse.

I think it is little bit another story, but I would like to share. Many people who watch others website a lot, underestimate themselves. They compare and contrast continuously over and over. "She is living a good life, but how about me?" or "He did this, this, this and this, but what I did?" like this way. It is serious problem for girls. In my case, my friends who have their SNS account and spent time a lot about it, they always talk about another someone. When I meet you, I would like to talk and share about our thing, and your thing. Not somebody who live in the online!

Through this article and my experience and critics, I thought about both effect of SNS. It can affect good way and bad way. So, when we upload something, we need to care someone who might feel my feeling. Some can say "What is the matter, it is my web page!", yes, it is your web site, but you don't live alone.

Critics about the Social Networking Effect for Nonprofits

I have searched about the social networking services effect. Then, you should know that I searched about the good effect and bad effect, but this time, I would like to know about how SNS work in our real life. So, I found this page that is below:

I think this article is personal writing, but it gives good idea both marketing and effect that I already had interest. I thought I can connect with marketing and its good effect, so I would like to mention some points.

The first of all, this author wrote about the study that is about SNS and its effect for nonprofits. The author said
found that the size of a nonprofit’s social network (followers or friends) was more important to online fundraising than its financial efficiency or organization size (in financial assets), two powerful determinants in offline donations.
That people who researched the study found the importance of size of the social network. Yeah, I think there is no doubt about this. If you have many friends or follower, and you upload something on your web page. You can imagine that easily. The reaction is better than something there is no friends or follower at all. So, I thouhgt the size of the SNS is important and there is uncontroversial.

The second thing is
The discovery that organization size and efficiency aren’t significant factors in online donations could have important implications.
I couldn't understand why the organization size and efficiency  is not important factor in online donation. The reason why I can't understand, the speed of prevalence depends on people who are friends with you. If you are a celebrities, and if you put something serious problem around the world, the prevalence will be faster than just normal person put it. Also, if the organization size is big, it means it has more power than other. It is better than just individual person. They can get more opportunities than individual. Then the author mentioned this;
While a nonprofit with an annual revenue of $500,000 could never compete with a $10 million organization in traditional advertising, social media and crowdfunding present a more level playing field.
It means the size of the asset is different. Literally, the nonprofits with $500,000 can never compete with $ 10 million. Yes! Of course! So, I cannot understand the previous mention. The size of the asset will decide how this donation is going to be bigger. This idea is same with followers and friends. The more followers and friends make the more effect, and the more asset make the more effect.

In this article, there is the way to build your social network, but I don't think that is good idea to mention it in this page, because it is known well. This article said about the good effect of SNS for nonprofit, it was good, but there is something that is difficult to understand.