Monday, December 1, 2014

Critics about the Social Networking Effect for Nonprofits

I have searched about the social networking services effect. Then, you should know that I searched about the good effect and bad effect, but this time, I would like to know about how SNS work in our real life. So, I found this page that is below:

I think this article is personal writing, but it gives good idea both marketing and effect that I already had interest. I thought I can connect with marketing and its good effect, so I would like to mention some points.

The first of all, this author wrote about the study that is about SNS and its effect for nonprofits. The author said
found that the size of a nonprofit’s social network (followers or friends) was more important to online fundraising than its financial efficiency or organization size (in financial assets), two powerful determinants in offline donations.
That people who researched the study found the importance of size of the social network. Yeah, I think there is no doubt about this. If you have many friends or follower, and you upload something on your web page. You can imagine that easily. The reaction is better than something there is no friends or follower at all. So, I thouhgt the size of the SNS is important and there is uncontroversial.

The second thing is
The discovery that organization size and efficiency aren’t significant factors in online donations could have important implications.
I couldn't understand why the organization size and efficiency  is not important factor in online donation. The reason why I can't understand, the speed of prevalence depends on people who are friends with you. If you are a celebrities, and if you put something serious problem around the world, the prevalence will be faster than just normal person put it. Also, if the organization size is big, it means it has more power than other. It is better than just individual person. They can get more opportunities than individual. Then the author mentioned this;
While a nonprofit with an annual revenue of $500,000 could never compete with a $10 million organization in traditional advertising, social media and crowdfunding present a more level playing field.
It means the size of the asset is different. Literally, the nonprofits with $500,000 can never compete with $ 10 million. Yes! Of course! So, I cannot understand the previous mention. The size of the asset will decide how this donation is going to be bigger. This idea is same with followers and friends. The more followers and friends make the more effect, and the more asset make the more effect.

In this article, there is the way to build your social network, but I don't think that is good idea to mention it in this page, because it is known well. This article said about the good effect of SNS for nonprofit, it was good, but there is something that is difficult to understand.

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